Sensation Map Generator

Process and Logic Flows

Transcribe Map into Shapefiles

graph TD TM1[Use a georeferenced tif of a map.] --> TM2[In QGIS, create a new project. Add the map tif as a raster layer.] TM2 --> TM3[Add shapefile of charcoal hearths as a vector layer.] TM3 --> TM4["To store points on the map such as
buildings and charcoal hearths,
create a new shapefile Layer.
file name: hopewell_selected_elements
geometry: Points
Added fields
type (string length 40)
name (string length 80)
desc (string length 254) "] TM4 --> TM5[Added points for buildings and charcoal hearths.] TM5 --> TM6["To store polygons to represent the landscape such as
forest, field, creek, road, path,
create a new shapefile Layer.
file name: hopewell_selected_elements_polys
geometry: Polygons
Added fields
type (string length 40)
name (string length 80)
desc (string length 254) "] TM6 --> TM7[Added polygons for landscape.] TM7 --> TM8["Copied shapefiles to Google Drive. (Later, via Github)."]
QGIS map transcription:

Transfer map coordinates to user's location and generate new map.

graph TD TMCU1["In Notebook sensory_map_generator.ipynb
Section: 1. Package installation Mount Google Drive"] --> TMCU2["Mount Google Drive
Install packages"] TMCU2-->TMCU3["Section: 2. Relocate map coordinates to get ready to unroll map at your location's latitude longitude"] TMCU3-->TMCU4["Set user location, latitude and longitude.
local_lat = 45.475871
local_lon = -75.549315"] TMCU4-->TMCU5["The original map has a reference point
that other points on the map have a bearing and distance to.
Example: (40.20595294149071, -75.77220799054444)"] TMCU5-->TMCU6["The generated local map's reference point is
(local_lat, local_lon) set above"] TMCU6-->TMCU7["For each point and each vertex in a polygon."] TMCU7-->TMCU8["Use the function transition_point to:
Get the point's distance and bearing from the original map reference point.
using geod = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse() "] TMCU8-->TMCU9["Calculate the point on the new map:
Use the distance and bearing from the new map's origin point.
new_map_point = VincentyDistance(meters=distance).destination(origin, bearing) "] TMCU9-->TMCU10["Save the new points and polygons in shapefiles"] TMCU10-->TMCU11["Print the Python code to call the GenerateLeafletMap class
to create markers for each point as well as polygons."] TMCU11-->TMCU12["Plot the shapefiles on a basemap to check if the map is plotter where the user would like."] TMCU12-->TMCU13{"Is map in
desired location"} TMCU13-->|No| TMCU13N["Reposition user location."] TMCU13N-->TMCU4 TMCU13-->|Yes| TMCU13Y["Generate map using the next section."] TMCU13Y-->GM1["In section 3. Generate the map to display at your location"] --> GM2["Copy and paste the Python code printed in the cell above.
This code calls the GenerateLeafletMap class
to create markers for each point as well as polygons."] GM2-->TMCU11 GM2-->GM3["Run the cell to generate /sensation/userloc.html."] GM3-->GM4["In section 4. Test generated map using http server on Google Colab
Test the map.
Start the http server.
Click on the link."] GM4-->GM5{"Is map
correct?"} GM5-->|Yes|GM5Y["Place files on http server accessible to a smart phone.
userloc.html - It must be accessible using https://
Copy files in /icons and /sounds to website. "] GM5-->|No|GM5N["Correct errors, make improvements."] GM5N-->GM1

Program logic

graph TD PL1["In userloc.html Javascript."] --> PL2["Position all static markers
Use ? icon."] PL2-->PL3["Position all polygons
fillOpacity: 0."] PL3-->PL4["Position a draggable test marker with a computer icon."] PL4-->PL5["Position a marker for the user's location. Update every 3 seconds."] PL5-->PL6{"Is user's location
or test marker
within .1 km of a marker?"} PL6-->|No|PL5 PL6-->|Yes|PL7["Reveal marker.
Update popup text.
Add a link to an audio file.
Change icon."] PL7-->PL8{"Is user's location
or test marker
within .1 km of a polygon?"} PL8-->|No|PL5 PL8-->|Yes|PL9["Reveal polygon for landscape.
Update popup text.
Add a link to an audio file.
fillOpacity: 0.7"] PL9-->PL5